Bidding You A Pleasant Slumber

Last log of the night.

Accomplishments: Wrote one new piece and posted an old poem I found in some old class notes too.

Good News:  I have had my greatest number of blog hits ever today.  Woohoo!

Now, if I could just convince one of those nice/lost people to comment and let me know what they think.  For the record, I know my writing sucks.  I haven’t written anything in years (read while I was dating  my ex) and I’m severely out of practice.  I am working on it, and feedback can help me get better faster!

So please all of you kind souls who do not wish to offend me because you think my writing is horrid, I ask that you help me improve it by telling exactly what you think is horrid about it.  Whomever I have as an English professor when I go back to college is not going to worry about my feelings they will care only for the quality of the work, so please help make it better.

Anyway goodnight all, be well, and I wish you blog writers many views and comments if you want them.

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